Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another busy day!

OK... there are 4 post today (5 if you include this one)... so make sure you see them all.

My parents leave tonight and we are all so sad... not sure what we are going to do tomorrow... and I know that Pierce will not like it when he wakes up tomorrow morning and they are gone. There have already been a few tears but we are excited about Jan. when the whole family heads back to Texas for a holiday.

Please keep my parents in your prayers for safe travels and an easy time change.


Shelly said...

That candy making is too cool! I'm glad you guys had such a great time. I know Pierce will miss his Vivi and Grandad, but January is just around the corner! The smirk on Pierce's face when his is going to school is too funny. That is one I haven't seen. And 13 hours??? And a 4 hour nap??? I THOUGHT Ave was a good sleeper, but that is taking it to a whole new level!

SheridanLeftwich said...

My Hogan got so many bruises on his forhead a swear he has perminant knots there. I love pictures of Pierce in his diaper laying on the couch. He looks HUGE!


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