OK. When I first got back Blake took me to the new Plaza right down the road (it is sort of like a mall) but really nice, good grocery store, Starbucks and nail places... Yippee... Well it was not to long after that that I had to try out the new nail place. It was really nice with the massage chairs and very friendly faces and they were having a special. I was the only one in the place and it took an hour just to get my toes done. The massage was great but service was a little slow and there was one time where I felt a little pain... I was CUT when she was doing my cuticles. Now this has happened before and I did not think much of it until 2 days later and I could not sleep or walk bc my toe was throbbing so bad.
I got an infection from the cut... needless to say I was soaking it everyday and kept "monkey blood" (iodine) on it constantly. It is looking and feeling better now. A couple of days ago I went back to the place and spoke with the manager and told her that I was not there to complain but just to inform her that this has happened and she might want to inform her staff... I was really nice and so was she... she gave me a refund and told me if I needed any assistance around town to let her know. I will not be going back there but I thought they handled it very well.
Pictures below so enter at your own risk (I do not have pretty feet to begin with so consider that your warning HE HE HE)

This was taken on Sat. when it first started hurting... the other big toe had chipped paint already... no good.

This was taken on the worse day... I put the ink mark around the infected area (something I learned in EMT training) to see if the infection was growing or not...
It is feeling much better now but still infected and swollen.
Thanks for listening to my pity story for the week.
yuck. glad to hear it is better.
I am sure Julie will love those pictures haha! I hope it feels better sooon
Oh my girl...you know what they say beauty is pain. Just kidding. I am sorry that happened. will you send me your address???
yuck...at least the customer service aspect was pleasant...Shutterfly could learn a thing or two from the nail lady that actually refunded your money...haha
Yuck! So sorry - I know that toe things are painful.
Oh man! Yeouch! I'm so sorry. Glad it's getting better. (And glad you got a refund!)
oh no! i cannot believe that! i have never had a pedi before, not i'm not sure about it at all in the future! aahhh! hey- shelly told me you taught her how to do those pictures at the top of your page-how do you do it? love it:) how was the flight back?
OUCH! I haven't kept up with blogs in a week and I totally missed this until your comment about my eye.
SO sorry!
hi i read this and so odd but my toe looks exactly like that and it hurts so what does the monkey blood do for it? I got a pedi and after this i will never ever do this again
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