Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Announcing Annie Grace Williams!

Pierce got to meet his new cousin... Annie Grace Williams (a.k.a. the cutest golden retriever puppy in the world). Proud parents Julie and Keith and doing well... they are losing sleep and trying to remove all chewable object and going outside for potty breaks 8 times a day but doing well.

Pierce absolutely adores "doggies" as he calls them... and I was so impressed bc he was being so gently with "Grace"... they seem to have bonded well... we miss Grace already.

Here is Lauren Williams another one of his favorite cousins, she was visiting from A&M for the Holidays it was so good to see her.

"Hey mom can we get a doggie?" Look at those eyes.


Renee Westcott said...

Aw, I bet Pierce wants a puppy!

Jacquie Von Hohn said...

What a cute puppy! We're going to breed Vic in the near future (once we find him a wife), you guys should get a Vic pup! It will be perfect timing for your return to the States :)


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