Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween Care Package and Treats!

We got another care package from my awesome in-laws... Janet and Hal Denton. You guys rock and we thank you for our holiday treat. I have already worn the dress, Blake has made a dent in the candy and Pierce loves his flashlight.

Here is a picture of some treats that I made for all the kids in Pierce's class... I am so excited to be a mom for many reasons and a small one is that I get to make treats for his school... I am probably going to be one of those annoying moms that has to go to everything, bake the biggest cake (not the best but the biggest), and stay up all night make treats... My mom did this for me and it something I just can not wait to do for Pierce.

Happy Halloween!


Grantham said...

The way things have been going, you might want to take the Cowboys book out of the picture.

Perks said...

Making things for the kids schools is so much fun! You will be great at it!!! (Obviously you already are!)

I love the "not the best but the biggest" line. :) That's exactly the way the kids like it too!


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