The Second day (today) we went to China Town (and now we are waiting on Pierce to wake up from his nap). We had such a great time in China Town and here are a few pictures of what we saw.
Also I wanted you to note that we leave tomorrow for we will be back on Sunday with a blog to let you know how our trip went.

The oldest Hindu temple in Singapore... we did go inside... take our shoes off and stand at the point for visitors. Very interesting.

After shopping... bought some fake Prada glasses, sun hat and beer mugs... we went to the wet market to get some fresh veggies and fruit.

They also have fish and other meat there... when we saw this... My mom asked how do you become a black chicken... made me laugh so hard I had to share....I am still a little confused on how how one becomes a chicken (which was first the chicken or the egg)... but a black one I have no idea.

Frogs for sale... kind of like picking out your own crab... choose and take home.

All kinds of fish.

And if you remember me telling you that I ate Jelly Fish... this is what it looks like before it is cooked. The man selling the fish was very impressed that I knew it was Jelly Fish.. he said that it is not for Americans... HE HE HE But told me it was good to lower my cholesterol.

I am a little embarrassed to admit that I had no idea that peanuts grew like this... not really sure what I thought... never really thought about it... but I hope that you find this interesting.... those are peanuts...