Sunday, May 4, 2014

COOL Club in Ulsan... Dec 2013

 A friend and I, teach once a week after school a bible lesson to the children that would like to come.  It is called COOL Club which stands for Children of our Lord.  When we moved to Ulsan the club already existed but the original teacher has moved away so now Karen and I teach it.  We have about 25-30 kids each week from ages 4-13.  It is a wonderful group of kids and its a blessing to be able to teach them. We are truly blessed that the school allows us to have the club on the the school campus after school and that the parents allow their kids to come.  More than half of the kids we get during the week for COOL Club are not coming to church on Sunday for Sunday School... so this is a huge blessing to all.  I never want to forget these sweet faces so I wanted to forever put them here on my blog.  Sweet children that God not only created but has planted a seed... We pray they do mighty things to help glorify His kingdom.

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