Wow... I can not believe it has been 4 years since Blake and I wed on August 6th 2005... we have a tradition on our anniversary to we talk about; where we have been, what we have accomplished and where we are going... it is always a fun conversation to have bc it is full of memories and as a planner it gives me a sneak peak into the future (although our future is not in our hands... it is nice to know what my husband wants to do).
To my "Handsome Prince" -
I absolutely adore you and am thankful for the past 6 years we have known each other but even more thankful for the past 4 where I have been your wife. I look forward to 144 more years together.... Jesus is my rock but you are a close second.... love you baby!
OK... here is how our Anniversary went this year... check here to see last years... we are much bigger fan of this years celebration.
Around 11am I got a knock at the door and a man was holding the below flowers and a card... It has taken a couple of years but Blake now knows that I really like flowers on our anniversary... and they were gorgeous... Lillies are my favorite flowers. Around 12:20 Blake walks through the door, bc he took half a day to spend it with me at the Spa.
Cena came to the house around 2pm (after Pierce was down for his nap) and Blake and I were off to the Spa Botanica on Sentosa Island (recommended by Jess... thanks girl). We had signed up for a 3 hour couple massage that included:
- 15 min foot bath
- 45 min dry massage (deep)
- 45 min scrub
- 10 min shower
- 20 min couples bath
- 45 min aroma massage
Can I say wow... we had never been rubbed on for this long and it was a little piece of heaven... but the best part was we got to use the facility beforehand... we got there around 2:30 and our session was at 6pm... so we had a couple of hours of relaxation outside before the massage.
Here is the couples pool, with a cascading waterfall... there was another lap pool for couples and a women's only pool... we hung out here most of the afternoon and caught some rays....
It was too hot... so Blake got in.... I soon joined him.
The sounds of the waterfall would put anyone asleep.... can I tell you how quiet it was here... no kids... :-)
After the sunbathing we decided to try the mud bath (highly recommended).
I went first... and totally lathered up... the lady told me at the front desk to make sure I put it in my hair... oh why not????
After the mud bath and rinsing off in a 5 point shower (wonderful).... we headed over to the cafe to have our light dinner....
It was the best chicken wrap I have ever had... oh so good... and check out these plates...
We first sat down for our foot bath and waiting for us were these beautiful flowers from my parents,ViVi and grandad Pierce,and a spa kit... it was such a special treat and it really topped off the whole experience. Thank you ViVi and Grandad...
After our dry massage and scrub we had a shower and then headed for the tub... check out this tub... I need one of these...and it should have flowers in it everyday... fresh ones of course. Blake was a little bored with the bath but he of course made it fun... we started throwing flowers at each other and then it turned into the 'Pedal Helicopter' game... who could spin the flower to float like a helicopter the longest... it is always a competition with him but it sure made bath time fun...we had other ideas but there were 2 sweet ladies waiting outside...
What a relaxing afternoon... the last massage I had to fight to stay awake so when I got home I crashed... on the floor... I had the flowers in my hand so I looked like Sleeping Beauty... and just like the real sleeping beauty there was only one way to wake me up... and Blake came to my rescue... again. (the below pic looks a little morbid but you had to see how I wanted to just pass out when we got home.... all that hard work...)
The spa was our treat to each other but I am glad that I got Blake this beer mug (I broke one of his the previous week) since I got my beautiful flowers...Love you babe... look forward to #5.
This sounds like a day out of a honeymoon trip. How relaxing and fun. Maybe Dan and I should start celebrating anniversaries. We just say something nice to each other on the day, that's about it. A long massage sounds better.
That sounds amazing! And tell Blake way to go on the flowers. Happy anniversary!!!
WOW!!! I think I'm relaxed just reading your massage story! Sounds wonderful! So glad you had a nice day!
Don’t even know where to start! You were a GOREGOUS bride and with quite a handsome groom too. 4 years, it flies! Our 4 year anniversary is Sept. 24 and it doesn’t seem real. So much has happened! Props to Blake on the beautiful flowers. I am very jealous of your spa treatments, but gives me some good ideas Nice on the mud bath…don’t know if I would have been so brave. Happy 4th you guys, you are a amazing and inspirational couple.
YOU are such a princess! WOW!
I LOVE wedding pictures! You guys look so happy and gorgeous! Our anniversary is this Saturday but I'm pretty sure ours won't be nearly as fun as yours. Boo hoo. Glad you had fun at the spa!
Oh my! I was wondering what they did for 3 hours! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I love seeing the smiles on your faces! Happy Anniversary!
what a superb day you both had!!
am impressed that Blake sent the flowers too .... and to celebrate each anniversary is very important ... to acknowledge your vows, the path you have taken, the joy you bring to each other and the love that you both share so deeply.... be it 4 years or 40 years .... the love you have now will continue to grow and become even more special.
John and I celebrate our 30th this coming Tuesday .... dinner at the Fullerton and off to Mauritius for 10 days first thing Wednesday morning!
Would love to be around to see what you both do for your 30th, am sure it would be extra special too.
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