Monday, August 24, 2009

MOPS Retreat 2009!

We had our first MOPS retreat last weekend... JUJU stayed with Blake and Pierce and I headed out Friday night for an overnight retreat to kickoff the new year for MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS. (if you want to know more about MOPS or to find a MOPS group in your area please go here... it was and is a lifesaver during this new phase of my life of becoming a mom)...

Most of you are aware, but I accepted the new role of MOPS Coordinator for the 2009-2010 year. The Retreat was the kickoff for our team of ladies (which are incredible by the way)... Last years coordinator was amazing and I have some big shoes to fill (thank God, He is in charge)... so I wanted to get the ladies together to mingle, fellowship, plan and get to know each other better and it was a blast... can't wait until next time. Thanks to alot of ladies that did a lot of work for the retreat, planned it, let us use their media room, etc... it was a success in my opinion and I did learn alot about my new friends... other fellow moms.

We started the night off at River Place Condo Media Room... where the below sign (sorry it is fuzzy) meet our moms at the door... and yes they did have homework... it was fun.
During one of our ice breakers we headed outside to have some snacks and get some fresh air... look at these sweet faces... oh how blessed I am to be surrounded by such sweet ladies.

We had fun but we did have some business to do... here we are soaking it all in... alot of this team is new this year but some have served in this ministry before... it will be a great year.

One of the things I wanted the ladies to do before dinner was go on a "PHOTO" scavenger hunt... that spelt out MOPS...

Here is my group (minus Traci who is taking the pic)... M for MOMS with Muscles.

Here is our DGL group... doing O for Moms OVER the rail.

Another group doing P for Pregnancy...
We went to the Quay Side for dinner to have some lovely pizza... it was a great night of fellowship...
After dinner half of our group headed to the swisshotel to continue our night of fun... we stayed up until 2am laughing, playing games and eating carrots and thin mints (thanks to JUJU for bringing them from the states).
The next morning a few of us woke up for Starbucks and headed to the spa... does it get any better than that... the best MOPS retreat I have ever been on (it was the only one I have ever been on but it was great)... can't wait until next time..
Thank you Jessica and Eunice for all your help in the planning endeavour. Thanks to all the rest of the MOPS leadership group I look forward to learning from you, serving beside you and watching how God uses you in this ministry... I know He has big things for our group... Praise Him.


Melanie said...

It was so much fun!!! I stole two pics :-) but linked to your blog got everyone to see ALL the fun. Can't wait to see all the letter pics!

Renee Westcott said...

Looks like all your hard work paid off. I'm glad you enjoyed the retreat!

rachel kerbel said...

i absolutely love how you get so involved! i hope i can be like you at carson's school-by the way he loves school b/c he loves having friends and seeing them everyday! the key for him is socializing him like you do pierce! and yes, he REALLY does love it! that may not last too long:)

Liz*** said...

Wow, what a great ministry opportunity you have. That is a huge endeavor and I think it's awesome that you are serving that way!!


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