Monday, April 27, 2009

Camillopatra and Blake Anthony!

OK... you asked for more so here you go... I was online one night and saw that there was going to be a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater on Saturday night (with optional "Hollywood" dress)... you know I could not pass up the opportunity so I emailed our friends in hope to get a big group and sure enough... all 12 of us had a blast and everyone dressed up. Here is our Monterey Park Condo group... all of us live in the same condo... it was so funny bc none of the kids recognized us and were so shocked.

Neil and Leslie as Jack Black and his gypsy pirate woman.

Connie and Alan as well you know... and for Star Wars fans (as I hear) this is a sad sight to see these two together.

Martin and Jane as John Lennon and Cher.

Audry and Stephen as a Geisha and the Last Samurai.

Joni and Laurence as Bollywood stars.

Blake and Camille as Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.

The Murder Mystery was good... there was very little acting but the actors would walk around the crowd and help with clues... we had to figure out who and why was someone murdered (there was a total of 2 people). Our group did guess the right people and who did it but we did not win bc we did not put enough details on the paper... like how was someone poisoned, when, etc.? We will know for next time.

During the show they had random people read out lines in the play (bc we were extras) and at one point "Harry Potter" was given a script to read and the script was a proposal for his soon to be bride... it was so romantic and sweet... here is a pic of the couple after she said Yes.

Here is our whole table... oh what fun we had... we can't wait for the next one but we were thinking we might want to dress up a little more.

Blake Anthony and Camillopatra with no head dress.... man they gave us some headaches but it was worth it.

The show gave awards for best dressed... we won first place (shared with another table that came as Grey's Anatomy)... here is our curtain call and accepting our reward... white wine... where's the money and trophy?

After the show some of us could just not call it quits for the night... so we decided to hit the town all dressed up... we went down to Clark Quay to listen to a band and get starred at... we had alot of fun... never a dull moment with this crowd.

During the night alot of people wanted to take pics with us... as we were leaving Clark Quay we got one more pic with some new friends (some locals and two American military men on break)... they were a lovely group and we were honored to share our head dresses. What fun... We love Singapore and all the memories we are making.

This pic is for Ashley E. I thought of you the whole time while I was putting on my makeup... you inspired this creation... I knew you would be so proud of the smoky look... love you girl.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tea Time!

Today (Saturday) we had a Spring Tea at church... it is a great outreach program to bring friends and just a great time to fellowship. Alot of the moms brought their daughters to share in the fun. I had alot of fun with my lady friends... I left Blake and Pierce at home.

Here is a just a shot of all the ladies... and you will see some men in the pic bc they were the servers.

Our speaker came from Bali where she teaches dance as a form of therapy for special needs children. She gave a wonderful talk and afterwards performed a spiritual dance for us... it was very moving and brought tears to my eyes.

I had originally planned to just come to the tea, get some great food, hear a talk and have some good girl time... but during bible study one week one of my friends who was putting the tea together slid me a piece of paper and told me to sign up... at the top of the page was Table Sponsors... this meant that you were in charge of setting up a table; place setting, decorations... the whole nine yards... since I had never been to a tea and do not own here in Singapore a place setting for 8 people I said that I could decorate if she found me some dishes... Well the rest is history... we found dishes and I found decorations.... so here is my table... the Asian Tea Party full of butterflies.

My make shift chandelier.... every tea party needs a chandelier... the next pics are just for my momma... I know she would want to see every detail of the table... so here you go mom... this one is for you.

The beautiful flowers... center pierce... I did not make this arrangement so I feel safe to go on and on about how beautiful this is... you can get orchids here in Singapore for .50 - .90 cents a stem (Singapore money... so that is like .20 - .70 a stem in US)... crazy cheap and so beautiful. I took the butterflies to the man who did this and he did exactly as I had imagined.... don't you just love it.

Here is the place setting...

Another shot of the table... oh what fun.

The next couple of tables were done by some other ladies... there were about 30 tables or so and some were done by one person and some were done by a team... they were all great and made a wonderful atmosphere... a great idea for more functions.

These were the ladies at my table... we had so much fun today... aren't they just beautiful?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dance party at our house...

Valerie, Stan, Stephen and Scott (Stan's brother who is visiting from Texas) came over to our house last night to watch American Idol... during commercials we gave Scott the guitar and had a Dance Party (Pierce was the only one dancing)... you have got to see this... hilarious... he is definitely my son.

Scott is great and lots of fun... CLAIM TO FAME... are you ready... Scott use to be in the band with Billy Bob Thornton before he was famous in the showbiz world.

A good reminder of why I love Texas A&M so much!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Care Package!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for our Easter Care Package.... Pierce will not stop playing with the bikes and bugs, carries them everywhere he roams (and I love my shoes).

We now get to have an Easter Egg hunt since we have some eggs to hunt for... maybe Easter in May... you know how good we are stretching holidays out...

Thanks so much and it is always good to get stuff from home.
You are loved and missed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Aggie Muster... "Bradley R. Wims '97" - "Here"

We stood a little taller,
and a little prouder then
When we heard the call of Muster
and the Roll Call just begin.
We stood there all together
and wiped away the tears
When our names were called out softly
and answered with a “Here!”...
and so we’ve joined together
with our brothers of the past
To make our final resting place at
Aggieland our last.
We take a toast to our brotherhood
wherever they may roam,
For us the trek is over
Aggieland we’re coming home.
by Lt. Col. David Harrigan ‘68
Softly call the Muster,
Let comrade answer, "Here!"
Their spirits hover 'round us
As if to bring us cheer!
Mark them 'present' in our hearts.
We’ll meet some other day
There is no death, but life eternal
For our old friends such as they!

Roll Call for 2009

John W. Abbott '54Les Abernathy '77Ed Adams '52Jay Adkisson '42Kitt P. Aguilar '69Gabe H. Alani '59Bill Albritton '52Shanleigh M. Almon '10Dave Alsobrook '40Aaron R. Anderson '02Andy Anderson '36Dub Anderson '52James T. Anderson '41Percy J. Anderson '45Andy Andersson '64Robert R. Arms '57Paul W. Armstrong '48Aubrey W. Arnold '57Jerry L. Arnold '60Bill Arthur '41John M. Arthur '46Royce L. Ashcraft '52John C. Atchison '36William B. Atkins '48Jill A. Atteberry '96George B. Austin '45Stewart Bachman '53Mrs. Badgett Badgett Benson L. Bailess '69Benjamin H. Bailey '48E.G. Bailey '43Edward L. Bailey '55Charley Baker '40Murdock M. Baker '58Monique D. Ballard '09John R. Ballentine '48Charles B. Ballowe '40Clayton C. Banks '30Chris J. Barber '44Ed Bard '45Al Barker '38Dan S. Barker '83Jim Barlow '60James D. Barnard '53Don Barnes '77Bob Barnett '50Jack L. Barnett '50Jacque Barnett '90Mary W. Barnhill '76Hall Barret '51Jim Bartlett '41Albert H. Bartschmid '42Charles K. Baxter '70Bernard A. Beach '45Charles A. Beckham '40Glen L. Beckner '59Ben C. Beegle '05Clemen P. Bell '07Dulie Bell '39James Bell '49Woody Bell '38Morton T. Belvin '46Louis H. Benavides '57John P. Benes '50Bob Benneche '47Arch Benner '38Jim Bennett '50John Scott Bennett '67Chuck Benshetler '50Betty H. Benson '42Bob Berger '54Charles A. Bergfeld '10Everett D. Besch '52Stephanie W. Billings '02Bill Birdwell '49Archie C. Blackburn '32Joe B. Blanchette '53Jack R. Blann '49William G. Blanton '65Jesse J. Blasingame '37Kenneth C. Bleichner '71Jimmy Bocklet '71Rosalie R. Bolner B. D. Bomba '52Bate Bond '58Brice R. Bonner '70Mora E. Boone '37Wesley A. Boothe '71Austin O. Bordeaux '48Sidney L. Borden '53Ben Boren '98Fred W. Boren '43Victor L. Boren '84Bob Bostick '44Roy Bostick '46Robert B. Boudreau '46Vernon N. Bower '43Robert S. Boyce '52Bobby G. Boyd '64Hugh F. Boyd '40Cal Boykin '46James W. Boykin '62Carl B. Bradberry '41Joe Braden '41Jim Bradley '44Thomas W. Bradley '56Dan Bragg '54William R. Bragg '50Brad Bransom '94Billy Brashear '53Jack Brasher '48Troy A. Brasuel '39Sam R. Breedlove '41Angela J. Brewster '94Sadler Bridges '58Robert W. Briggs '55Philip Brin '34Dale Britton '45Bill Brown '51Celie Brown '77Dixon O. Brown '54Elliot Brown '89Frank B. Brown '42Jack C. Brown '43Jim Brown '51Mitchell H. Brown '42Roger C. Brown '91Phillip D. Brunette '49Gordon F. Bryan '50Goble W. Bryant '47Steve Bryant '87Steve Buckellew '91Brad Buford '53Chester L. Bugh '38Randy Burdick '77Eli R. Burdine '52Leta F. Burgess Julia Burns '23Les Burns '44Gene P. Burroughs '66Clinton C. Burt '50Kenneth S. Bushnell '41C. E. Butridge '60Al Byrnes '56Robert F. Cain '41Roland H. Caldwell '50Harold Calhoun '49Joel T. Callahan '66Kevin A. Callery '83Rudy B. Callihan '52Aaron T. Calvert '03Neal C. Cameron '57Robert G. Cameron '38Bert Campbell '43Missy D. Campbell '04Lou Canant '57Larry R. Cannell '78Don Cantrell '60Jackie R. Cantu '93Mike Carlo '60Tony Carona '80Rufus L. Carpenter '43Cecil E. Carter '59Charles A. Carter '37Larry H. Carter '69Hubert E. Carver '41Jim Cassity '57Bevan A. Cates '64Alden L. Cathey '42Bob Cator '66Saralyn S. Cepak '76Nugent F. Chamberlain '38Charles B. Chandler '43Jim Chapman '43Bill Chappell '50Mike Childress '93Mickey Chilton '41Coolidge Y. Chu '57Gary Clark '66Gordon S. Clark '50Hubert C. Clark '49John M. Clark '75Jeff Classen '77Gayle L. Clemons '48George G. Cleveland '50Ed Cline '41Roy L. Clint '58Jim B. Cloudt '42Sarah Anne Cobb '82Cynthia A. Cockrell '78Al Coe '45Edwin E. Coker '49Leroy N. Coker '84Mike Coldewey '89Charlie Collier '97Roger L. Collins '68Raymond D. Colter '47Harvey W. Compton '61Carl F. Conklin '60Robert J. Conner '91Curtis E. Connor '43Jack S. Connor '63Joe E. Conway '49Bill R. Cook '52Jim Cook '56Zachary R. Cook '08Adah Louise Cooke '63Bill Cooksey '71Bob Cooper '42Duncan C. Cooper '53Tom Copeland '55Ray H. Copus '50Ben Corbo '61Howard L. Corley '69Alce J. Cortez '48John E. Cottle '41Terry L. Cottle '80Joe A. Coughran '46Logan B. Council '44Don D. Cowan '76Robert C. Cowan '42Carroll W. Cox '34Robert C. Cox '44William H. Cox '51Bud H. Craig '51Dan J. Craig '58Billy Crain '66Bob Crawford '42Roy M. Crawford '31Jim Crawley '78Chuck Criddle '77Donald A. Crippen '43Scott Crow '94Jim Cumley '52Alfred L. Cummings '45Gary R. Cummings '73Timothy W. Cunningham '04Paul M. Curda '59Dale E. Currence '89Raynor L. Curry '43Maury W. Curtis '42Sam Curtis '56David D. Dagrosa '67Ken Dalchau '58Bill Dallas '64Leonard P. Dalovisio '51Wayne S. Dammier '73Jack Daugherty '41Sam N. Davidson '35Elmer T. Davis '63Leo G. Davis '47Richard B. Davis '67Sandra W. Davis '85Vann B. Davis '36Vol Davis '53Richard R. Davison '58Clayton J. D'Avy '43Herb Dean '40Pete DeFrank '45David T. DeLafosse '78Justin R. Delval '10Jim Denney '82Mike DeVore '69Bill Dickson '45John C. Diebel '53Norman L. Dietrich '93John A. Dillard '58Ben E. Dillon '38Hugh L. Dillon '49Ken Dirks Tommy Divin '73Bob Dixon '53Mark E. Dobbs '76Jimmie D. Dodd David A. Dodson '79Ed Donaldson '52Louis C. Draper '42Dan D. Drew '66Jennifer L. Drost '99Bob Druce '43Alice L. Dubinski '08Bob DuBois '73Bob Duke '60Willis G. Dunkum '49Sidney W. Dunnam Alvin J. Dupuis '65Jeff Dyess '90Dick Eads '39Dunavon Eads '52Gerald H. Easterly '42Jim Eaton '45Lewis Eberspacher '43Hadley Edgar '48Will Edmonds '95Jack E. Ehlers '54Herbert F. Eisenhart '70Irvin E. Elkins '47Ray Eller '61Bill Ellerbrock '44Benton H. Elliott '41Forest B. Elliott '46Walter A. Elliott '55Bob Ellis '48Ginny Ellis '37Grover C. Ellisor '52Tom Elrod '36Gary W. Elzen '83David English '54James O. Eskew '81Garland J. Etie '52David W. Eudaly '93Jack Evans '38Chauncey L. Everett '62Jack A. Exter Dick Eyster '52Cam L. Fannin '43Mary E. Farmer '08Tim G. Faulkenberry '51John I. Ferguson '42John H. Ferguson '57Barry Ferrell '63William P. Fife Edmund A. Fisher '61Gerard J. Fisher '64James R. Fisher '70Champe Fitzhugh '38Truett W. Flache '39Charlie Flanders '79Jackie Flanders-Mosier '90Curtis L. Flournoy '55Denton L. Fluker '77Christopher A. Flynn '08Barbara S. Fojtasek '87Charles S. Foley '44Jack Ford '40Danny D. Forrest '80Gene Foster '43Marshal D. Fox '37Bob Franz '65Alvin R. Freeman '48Jim Freeman '41Keith Freeman '73Frank E. Frey '60Bob Frizzell '51Roger D. Fry '71Bill Fuller '46Drew Fuller '80Johnny Funk '52Charles V. Gage '38Lawrence Galfione '46Jon R. Galland '86G. G. Garcia '50Jerry Garcia '81Don Garey '53Roy L. Garner '49Plato Garza '54Nancy H. Gates '87Jim Gatlin '58Billie P. Gay '48Vernon O. Gayle '54Amos P. Geelan '41Frank R. Gentry '38Randy George '71Dennis L. Gerik '72Janet Z. Gerke '82Carl P. Geyer '44Hoot Gibson '35Scott K. Gibson '92Culver S. Gidden '62John L. Gidley '46Carl A. Giesen '35Sam Giesey '30Myrvin H. Gifford '72George E. Gillar '58Ed Gilless '53Alberta R. Glassford '36Howard Glaze '56John E. Goble '42David S. Goddard '49Jack Godwin '42Norman F. Godwin '62Jake Goldberg '33Dick Goodwin '51Paul Graham '46Raul Grajeda '05Dick B. Granger '40Dan Grant '41Dick Graves '51Gerald Greak '35Don Greaney '53Ryan B. Green '06Taylor H. Greene '55Homer H. Greenlee '41Albert P. Greer '70Bobbie Greiner '51Jerry Grevstad '72Daland M. Griffiths '44G. C. Grube Ruth D. Grube Dick Guenther '46Erasmo Guerrero '46Gabriel Guevara '50Wesley C. Gustafson '58Ronald J. Guyote '60David L. Haberle '40Brian J. Hablinski '91Hagy Hagemeier '50Roy W. Hagler '39Tom Hagood '41Ann Haines '51Herbert C. Hale '52Harry D. Hall '36Kenneth L. Hall '55Marilon D. Hall '67Valton Hall '38Dorcas H. Haltom '42Sally Haltom Beverly S. Hamilton '84Buzz Hamilton '65Daniel J. Hamilton '38Hayden Hamilton '14Bob Hanby '43Chip Hannd '61Bob Hanson '72Rex L. Hardaway '45Vernon L. Hardcastle '45Jack Harding '34Julie C. Hardwick '87Tom K. Hardy '59Joel W. Harper '45Bob Harris '83Charlie Harris '56Eugenia S. Harris '54John R. Harris '48John A. Harris '54Mary C. Harris '98Lee P. Harrison '63Mike Harrison '70Tom R. Harrison '41Jim Harry '83Ralph P. Hartman '80Bobby Harvey '73Roscoe R. Harvey '58Edward M. Hary '45Jack Hatchell '59Mark Hawkins '81Thomas D. Hawkins '47Pat Hayes '88Winston J. Heidenheimer '41Tony Heldenfels '59Adrain C. Helms '57Ray Helpert '38Ed Henderson '44Catherine T. Henry '75Peter C. Henry Henry Herder '40Ulysses S. Herrington '32Charles R. Hewitt '50Johnny Hewson '38John S. Hicklin '66Jason L. Hightower '93Tom Hill '72Bill Hiller '41Robert E. Hiney '89Charles L. Hinkle '63Gary W. Hipps '59Joseph F. Hitchcock '52Henry A. Hodges '53Bates L. Hoffer '37Cliff Hogue '39Brian A. Holbert '85Marvin Holbrook '50Del Holcomb '63Ronald W. Holder '58Bill Holik '46C. D. Holland '53Larry A. Holland '64Cy Holley '57Dwight V. Holub '67Melvin Holzgrafe '76Dean Hopson '46Ben H. Houston '61Stan Howard '59Mary G. Hubbard '27Farrell G. Huber '55Chester D. Hudlow '73Charles H. Hudson '39J. L. Huffines '44Bill Huffman '45Bob Huffman '53Lee Huffman '43Charles R. Huneycutt '64Sumner Hunter '46Alvin M. Hurd '50Burton R. Hurley '39George I. Huss '44William D. Hutchinson '45Jose M. Ibanez '96Alvin R. Irvine '45Mark E. Isenmann '81David Jackson '74Guy C. Jackson '52Hedley V. Jackson '44Jake Jacobs '52Richard J. Jahns '85Mary M. James '74Sonny Jamison '61Gene Jekel '51Dee R. Jenkins '49John B. Jenkins '39Horace H. Jennings '40Bill Jermyn '73Ruth Johns '39Bob Johnson '51Doug Johnson '73Jerry S. Johnson '71Joe Johnson '42Max M. Johnson '63Thurman H. Johnson '55W.S. Johnson '37Rachel K. Joiner '11Travis W. Joiner '08Dave Jones '58Jack W. Jones '51Louis A. Jones '59Ralph W. Jones '52Shannon Jones '47Jack M. Jordan '66Tom Justiss '48Frederick E. Kahn '60Robert D. Kahn '46Bill Kamperman '43Joel Karin '42Keith Kauffman '73David A. Keahey '78Willie Keel '49Geneva Kelley '37Jack Kelley '37Kelley Kelley '52Thurman J. Kennedy '46Larry C. Kennemer '66Tim Kenney '32Jean Kent '26Buran I. Keprta '51Melba F. Kerley '65Michelle L. Kersten '95Warren Kever '44Dwight C. Key '42Terrence D. Kiel '03Leonard R. Killion '58Ovid B. King '39Frank Kinkler '75Jon P. Kinslow '55Sally J. Kirby '84Alex J. Kirk '12Robert D. Kirk '52Richard P. Kirkpatrick '49William R. Klassen '73Sid Kleeman '75John C. Klement '50William S. Knapp '63Spencer B. Knecht '09James E. Knight '42Robert L. Knight '88Jerry M. Knowles '69Myron Koehler '72Louis R. Koehn '55Jack W. Kolb '45Joe Koontz '72Timothy W. Kostelnik '00Margie S. Kovar '78Richard P. Kovar '46Ramona E. Krailler '85Berry F. Krause '37John W. Krieger '53Stan Kristinek '87Ron Krizman '73John W. Kuhn '37Dan H. Kuykendall '45David Lackey '93Arthur T. Lacy '44Louis A. Lafon '41Terry W. Lamkin '58Laurie B. Lang '80Lara N. Langford '09Hugh D. Lanktree '55Jim Latham '51John D. Latimer '58Wai-Yan A. Lau '78Brady R. Law '46Jack Lawrence '48Nat Leatherwood '49Alois C. Lederer '66Don A. Lee '56Paul W. Leeper '46Hudson T. LeGrand '44Chris P. Lenamond '85Tom Lentz '46Stan Leventhal '47Cecil A. Lewis '98Charlie Lewis '39Charles B. Lide '47John P. Lillis '91Theo P. Lindig '55Charles C. Litchfield '66Rease Littlefield '42Jake S. Lively '49Jack R. London '46Bob Long '42Steve Long '83Gene Lott '49James L. Lott '58Clarence F. Love '49Fred S. Love '45Warren J. Lovingfoss '52George A. Lowes '49Robert D. Lowrey '30Justin M. Lynch '07A.C. Machemehl '43Harry J. Magrane '43Henry K. Maier '38Gloria Mamaliga Lee Maniloff '40Ada G. Mann '42William R. Margraf '60Bill Markillie '59Bobby Marks '58Bill Marschall '38Troy Marschang '11Joe Marshall '59Lewis H. Marshall '38Tom Marshall '44Clarence H. Martin '38Johnny Martin '60Lance W. Martin '96Damion E. Marx '03Al Massengale '68Erle Massengale '53James L. Massey '50William R. Massey '53Jim Mathis '51Joe B. Mattei '53Will R. Matthews '45Bob Mattox '50Jesse K. Mattox '45Nancy A. Matula '85Floyd H. Mauldin '51Wiley D. May '65Miranda D. Mayes '03Bill Mayo '50Jack V. McAdoo '42Thomas G. McAllister '54Bob McCarley '53Gerald T. McCarty '45David W. McClelland '56Constance H. McClintick '40Charles D. McCloskey '60Ralph A. McCollough '62Woodson E. McCook '49Tom McCord '40John W. McCoy '66Warren W. McCoy '57Fred McCrory '49Tim McDaniel '83Mac McDonald '39Edgar C. McFadden '64Ollie N. McFadden '61Scott L. McGinnis '86Alexander McGregor '45Terry McGuire '89Mac McIntosh '48Ed McKay '49Grady McKee '44Jay M. McKee '03Nelson A. McLain '42Ken J. McLean '65Bill McLeod '45Ervin B. McLeroy '35Charles McMillan '43Mel McMurry '54Vance A. McNeil '63Mary Eloise McNeill Jack McNiel '39N. A. McNiel '35Danny W. McNulty '83Gant McPherson '62Charles W. Measley '49John F. Melton '37Reil Melton '50Thomas R. Melton '55Arthur J. Mercer '44Randy Merrell '79Willis H. Merritt '56Randy Mervish '80Winston D. Mettke '63Ed Michels '49James H. Middleton '52Quinton K. Milhollin '53Bob Miller '53Carol H. Miller '52Ermon A. Miller '39Mary A. Millican '43Bob Mills '39Danny Mitchell '66Howard S. Mitchell '50James B. Mitchell '52Thorstein Moen '79Hamilton C. Moffett '43Ed Monteith '43Bob Moody '59Derek R. Mooney '91Jim Moore '78Mike Moore '56Edward H. Moreland '90Charles E. Morgenthaler '48Bruce H. Morisse '50Stan Morrill '72Bob Morris '47Robert L. Morris '65Leonard Mortimer '45Ivan S. Moser '50Max L. Moser '56Tom Muldowney '47Charles G. Munden '46Leofredo G. Muniz '54Donald R. Murray '02William S. Murray '90Laura Lee Myers '93Fred L. Nabors '42Ted Nark '54Bryan L. Nash '86Quentin F. Naumann '45Randy Neal '76Bob Neill '49Jaro G. Netardus '52Ron Neugebauer '80Murray W. Newton '75James A. Nichols '34Lee O. Nisbet '45Phil Nix '41Elizabeth H. Nixon '47Elizabeth W. Noone Ben Norman '58Ed Norris '52Arba L. Norton '40Dale B. Norton '46Monte G. Norton '70Charles L. Novosad '51William J. Nutto '44Ralph G. Odom '45George A. Odum '67Thomas C. O'Leary '11John P. Oliver '26John K. Oliver '45Mary E. Oliver Harry C. Olson '46Dan O'Neal '50Harry M. Ormon '44Jack Orrick '45Robert L. Osius '45Henry L. Otken '51John D. Otterness '73Charles S. Owen '49Percy J. Pace '44Thomas G. Pachall '70Jewel A. Paine '50Michael L. Palacios '97Edward C. Park '68Phocion S. Park '51Suhyung Park '11Bill Parker '42Bob Parker '44Mick Parks Eugene C. Parma '50Randy Parnell '79Tom Parsons '49Pat Patterson '41Robert W. Patton '65Ed Pauls '47J. Raymon Peace '39Katy Peacock Joshua D. Pearce '06Stephen D. Pearce '49David R. Pearson '72Tom Pearson '64Thomas E. Peeler '43Gray Peeples '60William K. Penrod '50Perlie Perlmutter '51Jack Perry '54Jim Persons '55Mike Peters '76Robert L. Peters '58Ron Peterson '63John Petter '56Dick Phelps '53Garland D. Pickett '40Thomas B. Pickett '43Jon M. Pierce '60Bob Pierson '56Cris Pinkerton '71Mariamil Pinson '66Jim Pitts '60Graylan K. Plantt '83Tom Plummer '61J.D. Poage '41Scott T. Poage '57Jodie E. Polk '54Frank Pollard '55Gene Pollard '68Charles W. Pomeroy '66Alex Pool '60Novellene H. Porter '49Charles J. Poulter '41Dorman H. Powell Robert A. Powell '84Leslie L. Powers '51Elmer E. Pratt '37Miles W. Preskitt '41Jim Presley '46Mark Prevost '77Charles W. Price '40Michael S. Price '81Elmer M. Pritchard '36Bill Proctor '50Gerald L. Proctor '42Eck G. Prudhomme '45Neil Pugsley '56John R. Purgason '50Jim Raatz '75William L. Rabon '95J. Norman Ragsdale '40Hal Ramsden '41Randy Rash '97Martha Ratliff Lew Ray '50David W. Reagan '79Randy J. Rector '69T. L. Redden '38Charles O. Reed '32Peter N. Reed '45Robert J. Reuwer '77Richard E. Reynolds '63Mike Rice '74E. P. Richards '44Charlie Richardson '54Jim Richardson '52Fred Richmond '41Kyle L. Riddle '37Bob Ridley '46Norman Riggins '60Edward D. Rigsby '61Dub Rister '54Harlan J. Ritch '57Clinton Ritchey '40Gwen Robberson '81Eric C. Robbins '05Austin W. Roberts '41Dan Roberts '38Amy L. Robertson '02Jim Robertson '45Gary J. Robisheaux '63Lou Rodenberger '67David A. Roe '58Andy Rogers '39Bill Rogers '53David A. Rogers '47Wayne Rogers '49Joe Rollins '38Mavis A. Rollins '50Rick Rolnick '76Lincoln F. Roman '44Manley Rooks '51Fred Rose '55John L. Rose '45Thomas H. Rose '50Kyle R. Rosebrock '04Mickey Ross '62William N. Rountree '07Frank W. Rousseau '49Gregory Royce '81Tom Ruckman '38Will H. Russ '07Carson M. Russell '45Sonny Russell '49Michael L. Rutledge '79Ted Saba '41Stacy N. Saenz '89Darrell R. Saha '90Oscar M. Saldana '75Nick Salibo '47James B. Sammons '53Bell Sample '38Duke Samson '41Abel L. Sanchez '44Tomas J. Sanchez '60Carl A. Sanders '74Glover W. Sanders '57Christine M. Santos '82Olanrewaju O. Sanu '08Lorraine M. Saxton '85Alfred Y. Scarborough '41Sherri N. Scarbrough '86Clifford A. Schaefer '52Herbert E. Schleider '42Leo A. Schmidt '64Vic Schmidt '67Diane D. Schmitt '83Bob Schubert '50Herbert W. Schulz '50Bill Scoates '35Cassie J. Scott '05Duane Scott '54John L. Scott '81Christian M. Scrogum '10John T. Scurlock '46Kathleen B. Sealock '96Norman E. Sears '81Eugene P. Selle '50Joe L. Sellers '88Tom Sessums '44Charles E. Sewell '49Manse R. Sharp '49Gordon K. Shearer '53Frank L. Sheffield '51Dennis C. Shelly '82John D. Shepard '74Lawrence Shepherd '36Marnie R. Sherman '77Bob Sherwood '36Ray Sherwyn '72Bill Sheveland '56Robert B. Shindler '48Clayton B. Shiver '45T. J. Short '40Guy Shown '53Robert E. Sieker '41James H. Simpson '80Charles N. Sims '44Elvis O. Sims '46Ida H. Skrla John D. Smalling '62Billy G. Smith '40Don E. Smith '56George B. Smith '57Jimmy Smith '93Joe E. Smith '50Marion Smith '44Jim Snider '49Harry A. Snowdy '43Arnold H. Sorensen '63Jerome W. Sorenson '35Sparky Sparks '50Bruce N. Spencer '37Joe E. Spencer '69Harold W. Staggs '43Brian M. Stancil '62Suzanne Standerfer '87Dan M. Stanford '53Reggie Stearns '62Herbert M. Steck '41Michel D. Stein '50Henry Steinkamp '39William R. Stephens '08Lonnie H. Stern '39Merle A. Sternadel '53David Sterns '38Charles R. Stevens '51Don W. Stevens '61Dave Stevenson '88Lawrence B. Stevenson '50L. F. Stewart '33Ali Stone '94Horace J. Stone '47Oliver F. Stork '45Richard W. Story '00Justin M. Stout '04Kenneth E. Stout '52Kirk Strawn Jim Stroman '41Bobo Strong '53Bob Stuart '57Tim Sullins '43Herb Sunderman '76Billy J. Swango '49Josephine Swank John H. Swendig '59Sam Swisher '66Bob Tackaberry '61Jess Tate '53Sammy D. Tatum '54Boyd Taylor '52Gene Taylor '61Gene Taylor '61John Taylor '50Louis Taylor '42Stephen P. Taylor '81Tony Tennien '70Robert G. Thiede '58Barbara C. Thomas Bill Thomas '49Skip Thomas '69Tommy Thomas '49Doyle E. Thompson '43Ed Tilley '40Charles A. Tingle '63Drexel Toland '52Robert W. Toler Austin H. Tong '83Chuck Torie '45Dwain A. Treadwell '43Joel W. Troxler '87Brad Tubbs '81John M. Tucker '53Pete Tumlinson '42Don Turner '62William A. Turner '37Timothy P. Twardowski '73Billy B. Tyus '50Bruce W. Ueckert '58Abid Umatiya '10Louis Upchurch '36John B. Utsman '49Gene Vacek '45Gabriel E. Valderrama '01Cecil E. Vallee '46Matthew R. Vandegrift '03Elton S. Vasquez '10Maurice H. Vaughan '55Richard L. Vaughn '52Gary L. Vawter '79Wilton C. Vercellino '48Keller B. Verett '07Oscar J. Vest '50Albert E. Vickery '44George A. Vinyard '49Charlie Voelter '57Helen S. Voigt '45Freddy Waddill '77Jack Wadsworth '46Bill Walker '40Dan M. Walker '50Felton S. Walker '67Rhey Walker '46Daniel J. Wallin '38Lindsay D. Walters '09James T. Wanja '45Drue S. Ward '39Floyd M. Ward '48Jim Ward '76Sharon L. Ward '06Henry E. Warden '36Denny Warren '59John E. Washburn '44Les Watkins '48Douglas H. Watson '40Joe B. Watson '60Allen T. Wayne '47J. W. Weatherford '46Don Weaver '83Jack C. Weeren '46Frank M. Weir '41Jean M. Weishuhn '82George H. Weissberg '65Bill Welch '48Bill Welch '50Jim Welch '45Mary Welch '48Garth Wells '90Keith Wells '75Marie Wells '38Mick Welsh '46Walter R. Wenk '42Don R. Wesch '55John E. West '57Michael P. West '73Bob Whelan '60Carl L. Whigham '45Carl V. Whitaker '51Whit Whitaker '37Joe White '51Louis P. White '43Robert B. White '42Carey Whitehead '77Jill M. Whitlock '75James P. Whitman '46Ray E. Whitmire '61William H. Whitsett '47Charles M. Whitson '77Frank Wicker '52Harold T. Wiedemann '56Bill Wiethorn '70Gilbert L. Wiethorn Cecil P. Wiggins '44Gary E. Wigley '73Paul R. Wignall '41Gary L. Wilbeck '65Robert R. Wilcox '29Bill R. Wilhite '50Jim Wilkerson '41Andrew C. Wilkinson '82Charlie Wilkinson '40Pat Wilkinson '39Charlie Williams '46Delbert R. Williams '75Eamonn T. Williams '75Jack W. Williams '41Jim Williams '46Jim Williams '55John R. Williams '75Patricia W. Williams '65Thomas L. Williamson '54Willie Willingham '58Edward L. Wilson '49Elloie B. Wilson '37Jim Wilson '37Matt Wilson '42Robert M. Wilson '56 Bradley R. Wims '97 John W. Windle Ed Winkelman '60Harold E. Wolff '43John L. Wolford '40Clayton F. Wood '37Frank Wood '50Max W. Woodard '60Bill Wright '80James D. Wright '42Hubert H. Wyatt '55Alexander N. Yater '50Benjamin A. Yeager '58William N. Yeager '42Howard R. Yeargan '57Michael S. Young '64Alton Yowell '65Jim Zemanek '52Devin Zimmerman '93Kenneth E. Zimmerman '34William E. Zimmermann '62Guy R. Zummo '84Fernando F. Zuniga '47
April 21st, 2009 there were approx. 40+ aggies that gathered at the American Club in Singapore to honor the fallen aggies this past year. Like the poem above "In Memoriam" we toasted in honor of them all.
It was a good way to celelbrate those whom we knew (Brad) and those whom we did not but with the same color of blood color maroon we will forever be one.

The Good news is that we know exactly where Brad is roaming (the poem says wherever they may roam)... the streets of Gold with Jesus.

To learn more about the tradition of MUSTER and what it means to Aggies go here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A true Survivor!

My mom is a survivor...when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer almost 9 years ago she made a decision (like most people) to fight the good fight... and she won. My mom is not only free from cancer but a well known Komen Tarrant County 1st place winner. This is her 8th time to win first place in the survivor division of the Komen Race for Cure in Tarrant County... she did it again this year... check out that trophy.

Mom you are my hero....I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished. I hope someday I can be as healthy as you, look as good as you do and maybe fit into a size 0 like you... some days I can't believe we have the same genes but I am honored to be your daughter... I love you and congratulations.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Is it too late????

As American citizens we are free to VOTE... even when residing in Singapore... BUT what does it mean when one gets their absentee ballot for the Nov. 2008 election in April 2009?

Fortunately I was in Texas so I was able to vote there but unfortunatly Blake was not able to vote seeing that we just got the forms 6 months to late...

But I plead.... is is to late... will our vote still count... we demand a re-count.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A hot day at the Zoo with Alex.

Monday Pierce's school was closed so Leslie and I packed up the kids and headed to the zoo here in Singapore... it is the most amazing zoo I have ever seen... it has a open concept and tons of things to do for the kids.

We were greeted at the main entrance by these monkeys... making lots of noises and playing around.

First we headed to the Rain Forest show to catch the action.

Here are the boys waiting for the show... I just think it is so cute how Pierce crosses his arm when he is trying to be patient.

Lesley and sweet Alex.

At the end of the show they brought out this guy... pretty cool costume... but looks to hot.
After the show we were approached by these two girls to take a picture with Pierce and Alex... Alex did not want anything of it but Pierce thought he could smile one more time (although he does look a little timid here)... this is very common in Asia... they just love Blond Hair blue eyed kids... alot of various families in Asia have pictures of Pierce in their photo albums.
We had to get a closer look... I like this picture too bc it shows how sweet my friend Lesley is to Pierce... she really is a sweet lady and a great mom.

After watching the show we headed to the water park that the zoo has... it is amazing and free once you get in the zoo.

Check this place out... isn't that cool.

Pierce thought it was pretty cool too.

After several attempts we tried to get the boys to slide down the slide together... one on one side and the other on the other... they both wanted to go down the same one... after several attempts this is as good as we could get... why do we do this to our kids...
After we got them dried off and had lunch we headed to see more animals... we are way past Pierce nap time but he is trying to work his little self out of taking naps so I thought I would let him enjoy his day and continue to play with Alex... so off we went to find some turtles...
We even got to feed some of them... they were huge but friendly and love apples.

The Keeper told us that we could get a picture up close and personal to this one... Pierce ran over there and threw his arm around her neck like he was putting her in a head lock... he is just not scared of anything... and she did not seem to mind.



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