Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week Three... only four hands!

Week 3 as a family of 4 started off with a sad goodbye to ViVi and GD.  We sure were sad to see them go home to Texas but we all (especially trying to explain this to Pierce) were trying to understand that they had to go back to work and back to normal life.  Pierce got to have one more bath with GD dipping his feet in the water... and ViVi got to feed/cuddle Asher one more time...

I was very anxious about the first week without the help and support but we all did well.  Pierce really stepped up as a huge helper and Asher did not seem to mind that I was not able to hold him as much.  And of course we had dads help at night.  We also were getting pumped up for Pierce to start Kindergarten the following week... we visited the parks around our house several times, walked to the store for ice-cream and played inside the flat A LOT... good thing Pierce loves to be home (we have both become home bodies... who would have thought).  Here are some pics of our week together.

As you can see we had lots of time on our hands and got to take a lot of pics... hope you enjoyed them...

And we had a very touching and sweet visit with one of Blake's co-worker (left) and our Pastor one night after dinner.  They came over to pray for us and especially Asher... I really had to hold it together.  Pastor Azel said the sweetest prayer and really meant so much to our family... something I will always remember. We are blessed to have him in our lives as a Pastor and a friend.

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1 comment:

Buttons Apart said...

You have an adorable family :)


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