Monday, October 19, 2009

It's time for BOO's not POO's...

Well most of you have barred with me for several weeks now as I show you the happy times in Singapore with loved ones... and yes there are many but I want to spend a little time today talking about parenting and the times when you just don't know what to do.
Sometimes as moms we share the great things about our children... all the praises... all the blessings... all the great times... and we (I) fail to be authentic at times and share how hard it is to be a parent at times...
Now don't get me wrong (a little disclaimer)... I feel truly blessed to be a mom and we all should be but lets not act like it is NOT the most difficult job we have ever done... I am in a MOPS group here in Singapore and that is one of the things we are learning to do... to live on Planet MOM and part of that is learning true authenticity with our friends, husbands and children... so here I am being authentic with you.
I am sure we could all share a moment in our life with our child(ren) that was just really HARD... and this one might not seem like a big deal to some of you but it is starting to totally rock my world...and just pure GROTESQUE... (of course all of this is written light heartedly)
MY SON likes his poo... yes I mean poo poo... (I have to give you a visual but it is fake)Scented poo
He will go poo in the potty at times but he loves to store up and "crap" in his bed and then play in it... am I grossing you out yet...

Well there have been many days that I have walked in his room and found pellets of poo everywhere and then spent the next hour scrubbing his bed, his room, his toys, and him... but yesterday (thankfully Blake was home)... I went to his room to find him smiling with so much pride... and poo poo was everywhere... the worst yet... and then I took a closer look and found little reminisces around his mouth... I then asked him if he ate his poo poo and he said...


Can you believe it... what would posses a child to do such a thing... I spent the next hour cleaning... Blake (after giving Pierce a bath and brushing his teeth) spent the next 30 min on-line to see what we needed to do (medically)... and Pierce spend the next 30 min. in time out (after getting two spankings)...
After all that time we had a talk with Pierce and I told him that mommy was very disappointed and that I was going to need some time... I was not in the mood after scrubbing poo for an hour (I did not tell him that part)...

So I am coming to you as a mom without any idea of what to do about this... any suggestions... I have looked on line and nothing really concrete... just boys will be boys... but lets face it this is very gross... and I need it to stop...

So mom to mom... any suggestions?
Yes... what a sweet face... looks so innocent... love him though... even in his mischief.

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Michelle said...

Oh my! I of course have no suggestions, but I will certainly be coming back to see what suggestions you get since I would love to arm myself for the future!
Oh the glamourous life of mommy-hood! :)

Leone Fabre said...

oh dear ....

I have no suggestions either ..... he is obviously fascinated with what comes out of his body!

You are not alone though, am sure there are many mothers out there that have gone through the same thing. My son did it too .... but I only caught him once (that was enough for me!!) he had done it in the bath and proceeded to 'paint the white tiles and the bath and basin'.

Oh yes, and a couple of times he did it in the toy box.... just sat on the edge and did it IN the toy box!


Pierce will grow out of it - but in the meantime you and Blake need to deal with it - so sorry I can't help, except to say we are all thinking of you as parent to parent and hope that you have some helpful advice soon.

Melanie said...

Oh Camille, I'm no help! I don't even know...he will definitely grow out of it, but the question is how do you keep your sanity in the meantime? Hey, give me a call...I"ll come over and clean :-)

Corrie said...

Oh man. What a mess! You're really scaring me -- I'm pretty sure I would FREAK OUT if David did that. You seem pretty calm though, which is a big part of surviving a parenting challenge. Unfortunately, I have no advice for you. Hopefully this is a phase that will pass very quickly... So sorry, momma.

Perks said...

Yet another commenter with no advice. Sorry. I will say that would of been my biggest parenting challenge hands down. Maybe God didn't give that to me b/c I would not of been a pleasant person at all nor would I have dealt with that in a patient, Godly manner. So...God thinks a lot of you. :) Good job, Mom and Dad. Hang in there and keep us posted.

Shelly said...

Wow. No suggestions here, but I have heard of that. Might have to research it for you. Wow, wow, wow. It's probably just an innocent phase, but what we don't correct in these "phases" turns out to be part more than a phase. Thanks for your authenticity. That's why I love you!


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