Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where's my baby...

By the looks of these pics the waiting to get our hands on baby Asher was a little fun for some... I love this pic of Pierce and ViVi... the ipad was a hit.

Dr. Jung did come out and give an update to Blake... I was still behind the glass doors but soon to arrive back in my room for some R&R before I got to hold baby Asher.  When we had Pierce in the US... I was in a recovery room for 4 hours and then in my room for another 4 hours until I got to hold Pierce bc he had fluid in his lungs... I was a bit anxious about this part as well but with the meds I was feeling good.

Back in the room and feeling really good from the meds but they would soon wear off and boy do I have a sweet husband for putting up with me and all my questions.  I did plan on waking up and having our new son with us but that was not the case.  When I started asking questions like "where's my baby" Blake told me that Asher too had fluid on his lungs and that they were monitoring him.  After a couple of hours (really not sure how long but it felt like eternity) I was getting a little impatient and uncomfortable.

Here Grandad is trying to make me feel better by showing me all the pics on his computer of our little miracle.  Looking back at these pics... I do not remember any of this... no telling what I was saying...

In the meantime the family was running back and forth from my room to the nursery where they were getting to see him (which did make me feel better) behind a glass window.  Our little Asher did stand out in the nursery there was no confusing him from the others... we were suppose to show a little card of identification to see or get the baby but when we showed up they knew exactly which baby was ours... and he sure is precious...

One proud happy big brother...thanks ViVi and Grandad for my awesome shirt.

Meanwhile the photographer did come back to take some more pics of Asher with the family (but I still do not have the pics so they will come later)... but here is a picture of our sweet photographer... 

Family back down in the nursery... getting some more pics...look at that peach fuzz hair... love it... 

Buddies... this might be one of my favorite pics... this picture really tells a whole story.

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1 comment:

Jacquie Von Hohn said...

I love that they get pillows in the nursery - haha


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