Thursday, December 8, 2011

A big celebration... Day 9!

There were many reasons why Day 9 with ViVi and Grandad was a big celebration... but the biggest was that Pierce had tried super duper hard all week at school to make good choices and got to bring home the Tree Top the Bear... a reward for the student that made good choices all week gets to take the bear and make memories all week... we will write more about that later but since Pierce was super duper good this week... we had talked about having two different rewards at home... 1)  A pudding contest and 2) A coloring contest... all of his favorites and when he came off the bus on Friday he yelled "I get to have a pudding contest"... and later he made up the coloring contest... so here we go.

First we had to make the pudding... yummy...

While the pudding set... we had our coloring contest and Daddy was still at work so he was going to be the judge when he got home...

Everyone coloring so well... and of course we were all coloring tanks.

Alright Daddy... which one is the winner?

The winning coloring picture goes to... drum roll please... "PIERCE"... congrats...

Now it was time for the pudding contest... ViVi sat this one out...

After about two bites... Pierce started to cry... he did not like it so we had to improvise quickly to ensure he was going to win so I grabbed the whip cream...

Now one happy winner....

We are so proud of you Pierce... great job on all the great choices... can't wait for the next coloring contest... and pudding whip cream contest...

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