Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Texas A&M Muster 2011!

Muster in Singapore gets bigger and bigger every year... if you would like to read more about MUSTER and what it means to us AGGIES... go here or here.

This year TAMU Muster in Singapore was held at Brewerks and this was Pierce's first year to come. This is a special night for all aggies (including spouses) were we honor the fallen aggies of all generations. Once an aggie you can guarantee that when you die you will be honored and celebrated.

At roll call this year I heard a familiar name and went immediately to ask the person that said here for her... and found out that a co-worker of mine from college wife had died in Feb., leaving behind two small children. Since then I have been re-connected with the family and they are now in our prayers... it is amazing no matter where you go or how long you are away from AggieLand we are always connected.

Here is our group shot this year...

Fightin' Texas Aggies... WHOOP!


Sarah said...

Hey, Camille! I was wondering who the person was from EPSY?

So glad we're able to keep up this way!

Denton Family said...

How very special


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