Saturday, May 21, 2011

JuJu is here...

JuJu arrived early morning on Thursday and soon after Pierce woke up... and yes JuJu was the best medicine ever... he was good as new and ready for a full day filled with love from JuJu... We had fun getting lots of hugs and getting caught up on life. Pierce stayed home from school bc he had a fever the day before and there is no way he could leave his JuJu now...
We had a fun time looking at all the goodies that JuJu brought...

So cute... loved trying on his new clothes... even got some army underwear (no pics of that sorry :-)).
We even got this cool contraption that makes cool popsicles in 9 minutes... so we had to try it out... anything liquid that does not have bubbles can make a great popsicle even fruit, candy and oats... oh boy what fun....this one that Pierce is eating is made out of cranberry juice and fresh raspberries. Yummy.

This first full day is always a bit tricky for visitors and JuJu has really already seen everything here in Singapore so the first day we choose to go to the Singapore Zoo.. to keep JuJu walking and awake and it truly is Pierce's favorite place to be in Singapore.
Today has been filled with lot of laughs and fun.. Daddy is home from work and we decided to go a treasure hunt (Geo-caching) in Singapore we are 0 for 2.. so no pics but we sure did laugh alot... and everyone is taking a nap now... more soon..

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