Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birthday packages... we just love them!

If you know us you know 2 things... 1) We love birthday around here, 2) We love care packages (and 3 we love God...). Not sure if the reason we love birthdays is because we get packages... or not... well maybe... well yes.... we love packages and presents here... yes we do... I am not scared to say it HE HE HE. Pierce and I both had our birthday in Jan. and Blake's in March... so my parents (ViVi and Grandad) and Great Mama shipped us a huge package full of goodies for everyone (including Tita). Take a gander:
"So Pierce how happy are you?"

Happy Birthday to Pierce... decked out with new clothes that fit... hallelujah...

And he even got the long awaited for "ghost pirate playmobile ship"... wow this thing is awesome and even floats in the water... I could barely get him dressed in swim clothes before he was ready to dive in a give it is first sail.

Everything is going to good use... we have new clothes now which are so fun, Pierce got some toys he loves, Blake and I are now playing tennis and thanks to Great Mama she shipped me some Tang so I can now make her "MEAN" fruit salad... yummy. Thank you ViVi and Grandad and Great Mama.. we love you for many reasons this is just one of them.

1 comment:

Jones Family said...

I'm such a dufus! Of course Shelby & Pierce are a mere month apart...yup...totally miss this each year....So sorry!


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