Friday, September 4, 2009

Flashback Friday! - Happy 32 months Pierce!

Pierce at 2 months (March 2007)

Pierce at 12 months (Jan 2008)
Pierce at 22 months (Nov. 2008)
Pierce today at 32 months (Sept 2009)

Oh how proud of you we are my sweet son... the true joy of my being... I knew when I was old enough to think about what I wanted to be when I grew up was a mom... and you have made me the happiest mom ever... you truely do complete me. We are so proud of you and want you to know we look forward to what lies ahead of us all but today I want to say thank you for the best 32 months ever.... You rock my sweet child.
Today you are 101.5 cm (3.3 ft) and weigh a whopping 17 kg (37.5 lbs)... you still like me to carry you but you are getting so good at walking beside mama and daddy. You love to go for walks after dinner... you always ask after you are finished at the table "can I go on a walk?". You still need some help at counting but you make up your own numbers when we play hide and go seek (which is your favorite game right now). Your best friends are Alex and August... and your girlfriend is Violet... you ask to see her everyday.... you just love being around her but then you will ask me "can I go kick the ball with the boys"... I just adore you.
This is the healthiest you have been in a long time... we have not been to the doctor in months, no fever, no ear aches, no colds... nothing... mama and daddy are so proud of you for eating your veggies, taking your vitamins, washing your hands when they are dirty and not picking stuff off the ground to eat it (like you did a couple of months ago).
We have stopped spanking (for right now) and when needed you sit in the guest room for timeout... this seems to work so much better for all of us... you are happier and mama and daddy are happier... you are fully wearing big boy underwear unless you are sleeping and have had zero accidents in weeks. You still sleep in your baby bed but we all like you in there... nice and cozy isn't it sweet baby... I think you will be fine as long as you have your scouts (all 3 of them).
I get to be with you all day and unfortunately daddy is having to work alot these days (due to his project not bc he wants to) so you have become a BIG mama's boy... you have to show me everything, I get to fix things when they break, I get to see your pee pee and poo poo, I get to kiss all your boo boo's, I get to hold your hand when you cross the street, I get to pray with you at night, I get to be the last one that tucks you in, I get to the be the first face you see in the morning, I get to "still" feed you like a baby bc you just like to eat that way, I still get to take you straight to my bed when you first wake up from your nap so we can have some 'cuddle time", I get to watch you playing with your friends and then watch you look around to see if I am still there, I get to tell you when you did something that was inappropriate but then tell you how much I love you, I get to "talk to" older boys when they are mean (so you don't think that is something that you could get away with), I get to tell you how much Jesus loves you, I get to show you how I am not perfect and I get to love you... I get to love you... and I do!
Happy 32 months my sweet boy... I am so proud of you.


Jennifer said...

So sweet! He's getting so big (I think he's a little taller and heavier than Caleb!) You're such a good mom.

Melanie said...

You're a remarkable woman and an amazing mom. Your love for not only Pierce, but Blake and God shines so bright and is inspiring. I am glad that God put you in my path and look forward to what He has in store.

Renee Westcott said...

What a lucky boy to have you as a mom. Your words are so sweet, and I know they are so true!


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