Monday, October 3, 2011

Singapore Army Museum (again)...

Pierce and I get to spend Monday's together (no school) so we always choose something fun and educational (most of the time) to fill our day... if Pierce gets to pick it is always something to do with armies... there is a lot to do in Singapore that is either a museum or something in favor of the Singapore Army... and one of those is the Singapore Army Museum... which is Pierce's favorite place to be.  It is quite far from us so we begged daddy for the car one day and got to go... Pierce gets to go for free so it is a great place for us to be...

The first exhibit is a blown up apart bus that shows when life in Singapore was not so safe... there were a lot of raids and unhappy people so they created the army (after WW2).

The museum is very technologically updated... the book that Pierce is sitting at is like an ipad with a swoosh of the finger the page turns....

A cadet sleeping quarter... I showed Pierce where the soldier would put his stuff and Pierce said it was not enough room...

This is just a picture of a picture of the sleeping quarters.

Always in character... and not sure about this outfit... we have camo pants (that he had to have) with his King Kong shirt (bc it has a helicopter in the sky) with a matching camo band aid on his chin bc he slipped in the bathtub... and don't forget the crocs... sometimes I think he is so cute when he really wants to have a say in his clothing but then I see pictures and not sure what I was thinking...

Pierce did not want to go in the 4-D room... he was not happy to take this picture he was so scared this time not sure why but we ended up skipping the 4-D movie (which is my favorite part).

Admiring the beauty outside... tanks...and trucks...

Pierce loves looking at these tiles that were painted by children in Singapore.  He wants to come home and paint a tile... just like all of these... so we took several pics so we could remember them... would love to have a wall like this with Pierce's paintings... wouldn't you?

Now this is Pierce's favorite part... getting up close and personal to the trucks and tanks... and this time they have 2 new tanks...He reminded me that since this is a red cross it is a medical truck but if it was a black cross it would be a German truck...

One of the new tanks on display... he did his own posing here....

Another great day... come back tomorrow bc when we got home from the museum he wanted to "edit" his photos... and he sure did make them pretty special.. come back and check them out...

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