Step 1 - Go to the computer first thing in the morning to see what day it is. Nana sent us this awesome advent calendar online from Jacquie Lawson where it will only allow you to open up the correct day for the date that is on the computer. You can go back and look at previous days but it will not allow you to skip ahead (which is key for a 3 year old).. the village picture looks kind of dull on day one but as each day go ones its gets cheerier (I don't think that is a word :-) but it works for this) and comes to life...and Pierce loves seeing all the cool animation and making the village come to life. Here is a picture of the demo slide on line.

Step 2... after we memorize the date for the day (learning numbers) we run to the pirate advent calendar below and Pierce has to find the correct number and then we build what ever is inside.
Step 3... we go on a treasure hunt (staying with the whole pirate theme here)... Pierce goes and hides in his room and waits until I yell okay we are ready. I take the gift for the day (provided by ViVi and Grandad) and hide it in the house. Then we spend the next 5 min. trying to find it... he tries to get everyone to help him... me... daddy... tita... whomever but we all way until he finds it (we have been known to get hints) and here are a couple of the pics below of one of our treasure hunts... he loves this part and lights up every time.
Pierce is hunting in the next pics...
Do you see where the present is?
So excited...
This is brilliant! Very creative...and holy build little lego pirates daily? You go girl!
Love that idea!! Pierce is so cute :)
Sorry, we have to comment again, because Shelby just saw this post and he said, "Pierce is my Buddy..."
He wants to type for you:
I love this idea!!!
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