Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Third home in 2 years... moving in again!

3-2-2... third home, second country, in 2 years... one would think we have conquered this moving thing... but it is never really that much fun however this time was the easiest... we have no complaints and still rather shocked at how smoothly everything has gone.  Blake came to Korea a couple of weeks in advance to start work and get some things done before we came... and Pierce and I stayed in Singapore with some friends (those pics are to come) while we waited on our sea shipment to make it to Korea.

Well we arrived in Ulsan, S. Korea on the 14th of May (at night)... daddy picked us up at the airport and we drove an hour and a half and we arrived to our new home... Prugio.  Daddy had a surprise for Pierce and that night was kind of like camping it... the next morning our shipment arrived to our house (now that is what I call service).  We woke up and hit the road condo running... here is a sneak peak of the days to follow after we arrived.

The first morning... no boxes just a little bed for pierce that has been dragged in the living room so he can watch some apple TV (not reg. TV it is all in Korean).

We had some furniture ordered new for the nursery and a desk for the study... so we did have some furniture...

But our room just had clothes on the drying rack...

When we arrived late last night daddy had a surprise for Pierce... he was going to camp on the first night in his big tent in his room... 

Well it came 9am and the boxes started arriving... they have this system down to a fine art... before we knew it the floors were covered in padded cardboard and the boxes were lined up in every room.

Then a part of the crew started to unpack the boxes and put the furniture together... They said they would finish all of this in one day... and they sure did it was amazing (I think I said that).

Guest room... come on guest you got a comfy bed... and the boxes are gone now.

Then there was this sweet lady that we could not communicate to each other but I hope she knows by my smile how appreciative I was of her... she unpacked the whole kitchen and put everything in its spot (know I would be lying if I told you I left it like she did it... but it sure was helpful).

Wow... never knew I had so much stuff... what happened to the big room.. it is now feeling really small.

But Pierce is so excited to see all his toys again... and they were everywhere...

I do have to say that Pierce was so helpful... he enjoyed unpacking and cleaning up... he would say wow this feels like an early Christmas... 

But after a couple of hours... he needed some down time and just watch some tv... I think it got to be a little to much for him after a while.

The kitchen is coming together... 

And check out all the shelves... I need more stuff :-)

Pierce's room is some what coming together... but if you know me... you know all of this stuff is starting to drive me crazy and it has only been a couple of hours... HE HE HE

Master Bedroom coming together... and so excited that my Indian rug fits... yeah....

Pierce had so much fun in the boxes... I am happy to report that the boxes are all gone... things are now in their place... still waiting to get some stuff on the walls but that will be soon... stay tuned... 

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Renee Westcott said...

Wish i could be there to help you unpack and set up. You need to rest!!!! Your baby showers posts are wonderful, and you look fantastic and soooo happy!

Jacquie Von Hohn said...

Oh man...I don't know how you do it...we're moving next month and I'm dreading it...I'm sure my house wont look that put together in one day!


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