Here is a close up of the boy I spoke of yesterday... that tied two vines together and swung for 30 minutes...
Random shot of the street and all the bikes...
Here are the older kids listening to the bible story...
And a couple of days ago I showed you a picture of the "missing" roof on the school rooms and here is the roof that IBC donated to the school... looks good and so helps with the sound issue.
Here the kids were playing a game that is similar to the telephone game but instead the draw on each others backs... the person in the back received a picture from a teacher and then was to draw the same on the back in front of them and that continued on to the front child who then took a pencil and drew what they thought it was on a piece of paper... it was funny... some were right on and others were clueless...
Before our team got ready to go we asked for donations for clothing... old school uniforms, clean shirts and shorts, etc. So we were able to give the kids each a brand new set of clothing... here are some boys that got new school uniforms below. Also some of our team had been before and they noticed that the children were wearing clothes that they received last time we were there.
Once our day was over... after VBS and ESL... we get in the van and head back to town for dinner and sleep. This night we got a flat tire... let me just tell you how gracious our God was during all of this... first off when we got the flat tire it was on the nicest street in town... there is this random street (which we had even commented before hand) in the middle of slums, poor neighborhoods, congested neighborhoods and lets just say places you would not want a bunch of women to just be hanging out while our sweet driver tries to fix the tire. Second is that when we all got out of the van it was dry outside but soon started to rain... which flooded this street quite quickly within minutes, as you can imagine there was a lot of drama behind this including that our driver was having to keep his head up above the water while he was under the van.... I got to see our team really pull together... from holding umbrella's, flash lights, helping each other stay safe and dry. There was one moment where we thought it could not be any worse (there were lots of things that were happening that I will spare you from) and we just started singing praise songs (reminded me of some good old A&M mission trips in college).
A great day that has some hiccups along the way but we are all better because of them. More Cambodian Memories...
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