Blake and a couple of buddies wanted to have a BBQ at our place to say thanks to all the hard workers in engineering at NOBLE here in Singapore. There were about 35 people who showed up and it was a blast. There was some hiccups along the way (well just one really I found out 2 days before it started that I was in charge of all the food and drinks...) but it turned out just great and we had a wonderful time.
There was another family next to us that was celebrating a birthday and there were lots of children with Nintendo games... Pierce was hooked... if we could not find him around the food he was with the big boys playing Nintendo.
looks like we could party good together! and that chunky baby was yummY!
you always could throw a good party.
wow I would have been stressed...feeding 35 people on 2 days notice! looks like you pulled it off wonderfully. We're having a class BBQ at our house on Saturday and I'm making homemade BBQ Sauce...I'll let you know how it goes...
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