Here is our team... oh what wonderful women... here we are ready at the school for the first day... the children will soon arrive but before we do that lets take a group picture (before we are exhausted)... here we are in the shape of a "J" for Jesus... a song that we taught them...
We were ready for the days ahead for 150+ children, 4 days of VBS, 2 sessions/2 groups of children each day, the young ones in the morning and the older in the afternoon. VBS consisted of songs of praise first thing, then a lesson through puppets, games, activities and more songs... then at night two ladies did the ESL for the teachers and then around 7pm we called it a night... so here we go...
When we first got to the school (the outdoor pavilion) we set up some of our props and this week we were focusing the children "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS"... it was reported to us that before we came that we needed to instill in the children right and wrong and that even God gives us "rules" to live by... so what better than to start with the Ten Commandments... Before school we saw this little kid sitting down really analyzing the picture... so precious... this is going to be a good week.
Then the kids started coming and I am not sure who was more excited... us or them... I had to grab my camera to remember these little faces... some so curious and others just happy..
One of my favorite pics... here is one of the school teachers bringing his family members to school...
The next three photos are my favorites... it really captured there sweet eyes (like you can see just how gentle their hearts are)... and sweet sweet faces...
It was not long until the kids started warming up to us... we could not talk to each other but everyone understands a little horse play... this boy was so much fun and wanted to play constantly...
Rock Paper Scissors anyone... this truly is an international game...
There were times where I was just amazed at how much fun these kids would have while I know some were in so much pain (those teeth have to hurt right?)...
Any everyday occurrence... walking to school...
Here is the pavilion that we lived in... the school building was off in the distance with desk and teachers... and we stayed here under this thatch roof waiting for our turn to love on the kids... this is where dancing, singing, lessons, plays, and games took place...and lots of laughter and even some tears...
A beautiful view from the porch...
Adele in white was our IBC lead... and the lady in Black was one of the teachers... she was learning English and loved to talk to us.
Here is one of the activities... coloring pages... the teachers would sit the children in circles and talk with them (translate what we were saying).
A great first day... I can already tell I am growing to love Cambodia and the children of Andong...